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Celebrating Imbolc 2023 with Children

Imbolc, the nearing end of dark winter. The ancient name means ‘in the belly’, the stirrings of new life in the womb of Mother Earth.

Imbolc marks the midway point between the winter solstice and spring equinox, when day lengths are increasing, bringing with it the promise of Spring.

Throughout winter the earth has been resting, building strength within, dreaming of the stirrings of life, the sap starting to rise, the snowdrops raising their delicate shoots through the soil, and news buds encouraged through the slowly changing light.

Imbolc is the clearing away of stagnant energy and looking towards the re-energising of the inner spirit, to welcome the beginnings of new life.

As you wander outside, wrapped up warm, look for the gentle signs of spring life, the daffodils, snowdrops, buds. All courageous enough to start life anew, embracing the Spring yet to come.

To download a free signs of Spring scavenger hunt printable and other free resources you can use with your children, join The Nurtured Peach Mum's Hub Facebook group.

Blog post written by Susie O'Sullivan, Forest School Leader & Mindful Walk Practitioner

*image acknowledgement Annie Spratt -

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