Prepare for your journey into parenthood
Our live online small group antenatal courses are run by Charlie, our qualified birth educator. Charlie is also a qualified Doula and pregnancy yoga teacher. The course will offer you evidence based research to support you to make choices about your pregnacny, labour and how you care for your baby.
You will learn about signs of labour, early labour, the stages of labour, options for birth, comfort measures, role of the birth partner, well-being during pregnancy and after birth, including yoga and mindfulness techniques and breathing techniques for birth, changes to your relationship, becoming a family, feeding your baby, crying, nappy changing. In this course you will meet other parents whose babies will be similar ages.
If you have any questions please contact us.

Week 1:
Understanding labour.
Learn about the stages of labour and your options in each stage.
Week 2:
Understanding birth.
Learn what happens to you and to baby during birth.
Week 3:
The birth partner.
Learn how your partner or doula can support you during labour.
Week 4:
Becomming a parent.
Needs and care of a newborn healing after birth and developing your parenting style.
Week 5:
Mindful parenting.
Learn how you can use mindfulness tecniques to support you during pregnancy, labour and throughout your parenting journey.
Postnatal Meet-up:
Group reunion after the babies are born. An opportunity to ask questions and connect with other parents in your group.
Free entry to one prenatal yoga class.